Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why “Us Against the Machines?”

Besides the header image on this site, nothing so far explains its URL, “usagainstthemachines”. It’s kind of catchy, probably because of the popular 90’s rockband band “Rage Against the Machine”. One friend said it reminded her of John Henry’s battle against the steam engine. I’ve been using this phrase for years while working with people […]

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Network Visualization

LinkedIn On Monday, LinkedIn announced a network visualization service called Inmaps. As a true network visualization junky I of course immediately had to give it a whirl to see how my 230 connections are connected. Either the servers are flooded with requests or my network is too complicated to easily compute — no results so […]

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Hello world!

Hurray! Another WordPress site is born!* This will be a place to gather and share some of the stuff I’ve been thinking about and working on for the last few years. *Shoutout to Glenny@ Smith and Vine for drawing such a sweet header. As I’m figuring out the human-machine dynamic I’m curious how/if/when this graphic […]

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